Since 1887. We are a member of the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference of The United Methodist Church, located in the Red River District.
Click here to learn more about what the United Methodist Church believes.

Office Hours: 9am – 1pm (Tues-Fri)
Address: 2621 Church Street
Phone: (615) 746-3737
Sunday Mornings:
Worship: 10:00am (Live Streamed)
Sunday School: 9:00am
Sunday School:
55 & Alive
Meets in the Fellowship Hall
Young Adults
Meets in the Sunday School Wing
Elementary Children
Meets in the Sunday School Wing
Preschool Children
Meets in the Sunday School Wing
Nursery (Under 4)
Available in the Sunday School Wing.
9:00-11:00am every Sunday morning!
Sign up to Volunteer!

Prayer Shawls (Tuesday Mornings: 9am – Noon)
Meets in the Purple Room in the Fellowship Wing. Open to all quilters and needle-workers looking for a place to pray and fellowship.
Men’s Breakfast (Monday Mornings: 7am – 8am)
Meets at the Pavilion. Come enjoy a devotional, fellowship, and prayer. Bring $5 and we will provide the breakfast and coffee.
Women’s Bible Study (Thursdays: 9:30am – 11am)
Meets in the Purple Room in the Fellowship Wing. Enjoy a bible study and prayer with a welcoming group of ladies.
Kids Club (Fourth Sundays: 5pm – 6:30pm)
Meets in the Fellowship Hall. Kids Club is our fun filled evening of learning to love like Jesus. We will eat supper, play games, and have interactive bible study. Parents are welcome to stay, enjoy refreshments and hang out with Pastor Steve in the fellowship hall. Ages 3-10.
55 & Alive (Second Thursdays: 11am – 1pm)
Meets at the Church. If you’re over the age of 55 and/or Alive come join us for our monthly field trip. We meet at the church, load up the bus, and visit delicious establishments around Middle TN.
Bunco (Fourth Thursdays: 6pm – 7:30pm)
Roll the dice and enjoy snacks and fellowship. Fun for all ages!
Wednesday Night Spiritual Formation (See Church Calendar)
Throughout the year we offer Wednesday night formation opportunities. See the church calendar in the events tab to see what we’re doing together right now!