This Week at PVUMC 3/25/25

Pastor Steve’s Sermon: This week Pastor Steve preached on God’s abundance. You can read it here.

Ministry Fair and Breakfast Potluck (THIS Sunday, March 30th at 9am): Come enjoy a hot breakfast and learn more about all the wonderful ministries we do at PVUMC. If you missed the sign up on Sunday, feel free to bring something that you can eat while standing, seating is limited. If you lead a ministry and would like to have a spot on one of the tables to put our info and answer questions, please see a member of church council! 

Lenten Study with Pastor Steve: This Thursday, March 27th, Pastor Steve will lead the Thursday morning bible study with a teaching on the Book of Revelation. This week we will be studying Revelation 12-14. What is the Good News about this apocalypse? Thursday Mornings at 9:30am in Lent.

Church Yard Sale: April 26th from 7 am until 1pm. Drop off on 24th from 6-8pm and the 25th from 12 noon til 7 pm. See Dawn Brading for more information.

Nursery Volunteers Wanted: Be apart of our hospitality and children’s ministry by serving in the nursery. Just one shift a month goes a very long way for providing childcare for a parent of a young child. Click here to sign up.

Save the Dates
March 30 – Ministry Fair and Breakfast Potluck
April 6 – Church Council Meeting 
April 10 – 55 & Alive Lunch Outing TBA
April 13 – Palm Sunday
April 17 – Maundy Thursday at 6pm
April 18 – Good Friday Stations of the Cross with PVFBC at 6pm
April 19 – Easter Egg Hunt (Time TBA)
April 20 – Easter Sunrise Service at 6am
April 20 – Easter Sunday Worship at 10am!
April 26 – Church Yard Sale

Prayer List
For any questions about our prayer list or to add yourself or a loved one, please reach out to Pastor Anne or Pastor Steve or a member of our Prayer Team.

Church Members: 
Pastor Steve
Suzy M
Roy M
Nathan H
Jerry H
Joe K
Brenda S
Dennis P
Emma H

Friends of PVUMC:
Diane, Our Office Admin

This Week at PVUMC 3/18/25

Pastor Steve’s Sermon: This week Pastor Steve preached on Covenant. You can read it here.

Lenten Study – Breathing Underwater: Began Monday, March 17th. Pastor Steve will be leading a small group study on the book Breathing Underwater. It is a book by Richard Rohr on the spirituality of the 12 Steps. We will gather on Monday mornings at 9am and Wednesday nights at 6pm. If you missed Monday or haven’t signed up but would still like to come, contact Pastor Steve.

Lenten Study with Pastor Steve: Returns Thursday, March 20th, Pastor Steve will lead the Thursday morning bible study with a teaching on the Book of Revelation. This week we will be studying Revelation 6-10. What is the Good News about this apocalypse? Thursday Mornings at 9:30am in Lent.

Ministry Fair and Breakfast Potluck (Sunday, March 30th at 9am): Come enjoy a hot breakfast and learn more about all the wonderful ministries we do at PVUMC. There will be a sign up sheet going around this Sunday for the potluck. If you lead a ministry and would like to have a spot on one of the tables to put our info and answer questions, please see a member of church council! 

Kids Club and Evening Prayer Shawl – THIS Sunday, March 23 (5:00 – 6:30pm):  Our monthly kids gathering for children ages 3-10. Supper, games, and a bible lesson. Our prayer shawl ladies will also be gathering in the Purple Room for their monthly evening gathering. Come and see.

Church Yard Sale: April 26th from 7 am until 1pm. Drop off on 24th from 6-8pm and the 25th from 12 noon til 7 pm. See Dawn Brading for more information.

Nursery Volunteers Wanted: Be apart of our hospitality and children’s ministry by serving in the nursery. Just one shift a month goes a very long way for providing childcare for a parent of a young child. Click here to sign up.

Save the Dates
March 17/19 – Breathing Underwater Book Study Begins
March 23 – Kids Club and Prayer Shawl
March 30 – Ministry Fair and Breakfast Potluck
April 6 – Church Council Meeting 
April 13 – Palm Sunday
April 17 – Maundy Thursday at 6pm
April 18 – Good Friday Stations of the Cross with PVFBC at 6pm
April 19 – Easter Egg Hunt (Time TBA)
April 20 – Easter Sunrise Service at 6am
April 26 – Church Yard Sale

Prayer List
For any questions about our prayer list or to add yourself or a loved one, please reach out to Pastor Anne or Pastor Steve or a member of our Prayer Team.

Church Members: 
Pastor Steve
Suzy M
Roy M
Nathan H
Jerry H
Joe K
Brenda S
Dennis P
Emma H

Friends of PVUMC:
Diane, Our Office Admin

This Week at PVUMC 3/11/2025

55 & Alive this Thursday: All are welcome to join us at Olive Garden in Springfield on Thursday, March 13th. Meet at the church at 10:15am for the carpool or meet us there. For more information reach out to Amanda Pratt.

Lenten Study – Breathing Underwater: Starts next Monday, March 17th (date changed due to death in Steve’s family), Pastor Steve will be leading a small group study on the book Breathing Underwater. It is a book by Richard Rohr on the spirituality of the 12 Steps. We will gather on Monday morning at 9am and Wednesday nights at 6pm. A sign up will be going around in the pews on Sunday.

Lenten Study with Pastor Steve: Returns next Thursday, March 20th, Pastor Steve will lead the Thursday morning bible study with a teaching on the Book of Revelation. What is the Good News about this apocalypse? Thursday Mornings at 9:30am in Lent.

Ministry Fair and Breakfast Potluck (Sunday, March 30th at 9am): Come enjoy a hot breakfast and learn more about all the wonderful ministries we do at PVUMC. There will be a sign up sheet going around this Sunday for the potluck. If you lead a ministry and would like to have a spot on one of the tables to put our info and answer questions, please see a member of church council! 

Kids Club and Evening Prayer Shawl – Sunday, March 23 (5:00 – 6:30pm): Our monthly kids gathering for children ages 3-10. Supper, games, and a bible lesson. Our prayer shawl ladies will also be gathering in the Purple Room for their monthly evening gathering. Come and see.

Church Yard Sale: April 26th from 7 am until 1pm. Drop off on 24th from 6-8pm and the 25th from 12 noon til 7 pm. See Dawn Brading for more information.

Nursery Volunteers Wanted: Be apart of our hospitality and children’s ministry by serving in the nursery. Just one shift a month goes a very long way for providing childcare for a parent of a young child. Click here to sign up.

Save the Dates
March 17/19 – Breathing Underwater Book Study Begins
March 23 – Kids Club and Prayer Shawl
March 30 – Ministry Fair and Breakfast Potluck
April 6 – Church Council Meeting 
April 13 – Palm Sunday
April 17 – Maundy Thursday
April 18 – Good Friday Stations of the Cross with PVFBC
April 19 – Easter Egg Hunt
April 20 – Easter Sunday!
April 26 – Church Yard Sale

Prayer List
For any questions about our prayer list or to add yourself or a loved one, please reach out to Pastor Anne or Pastor Steve or a member of our Prayer Team.

Church Members: 
Pastor Steve
Suzy M
Roy M
Nathan H
Jerry H
Joe K
Brenda S
Dennis P

Friends of PVUMC:
Diane, Our Office Admin