This Week at PVUMC 3/12/24

Spring is sprunging and there’s new life all around! I wanted to offer a very special congratulations who has been approved for commissioning as a provisional deacon by our Board of Ordained Ministry. I cannot wait to call her Pastor Anne and watch her ministry continue to grow both here at PVUMC and at the hospital where she serves as a chaplain.

Read Pastor Steve’s Sermon
Sunday I preached on how our mercy and grace will bring others out of the darkness. You can read that sermon here!

Fundraisers Are Coming
As you may or may not know, at our current giving levels we are currently running at a budget deficit and are projected to have a $20,000-$30,000 shortfall by the end of the year. With that said, it is time to start thinking about fundraising. 

We have two planned for the Spring. On April 27th, we will be hosting a Church Yard Sale. Please see Dawn Brading for more information! On May 18th we will hold a Silent Auction in the Fellowship Hall. Please see Trina Chance for more information. 

Children’s Ministry Volunteers Needed
At the request of our children’s ministry team, we have split the nursery time into 2 one-hour slots. Please consider signing up to serve! Click here to view our sign up form. Our vision is to provide as much welcome and hospitality as we can muster on Sunday mornings to our visitors, this is a wonderful way to serve visiting families looking for some sanctuary and rest on a Sunday morning.

Pavilion Clean Up Day
In preparation of our Easter Sunrise Service, we need to tidy up the pavilion. Greg Cooper has done a phenomenal job of getting things cleared out and cleaned up but he needs our help to get across the finish line. Please bring work gloves, cleaning supplies and a great attitude as we spend the morning cleaning up. Coffee and sausage biscuits will be served. Saturday, March 23rd: 8-10am

Easter Egg Hunt
Our Easter Egg Hunt will be March 30th at 9am. Please consider donating candy. Bring unopened bags of Easter Candy to the narthex on Sunday morning during Lent, we will have a collection bin set up.

This Week
Today (9am-12pm): Prayer Shawls
Wednesday (5:30pm-7:30pm): Journey to Transformation Small Groups
Thursday (11:00am): 55 & Alive at Ichiban
Thursday (6:00pm): Bunco

Save the Dates
March 23rd – Pavilion Cleanup Day (8am)
March 24th – Kids Club
April 27th – Church Yard Sale
May 18th – PVUMC Silent Auction

Holy Week
March 24th – Palm Sunday (10am)
March 28th – Maundy Thursday Service (6pm)
March 29th – Good Friday Service (Noon) & Stations of the Cross with our Baptist neighbors (6pm)
March 30th – Easter Egg Hunt (9am)
March 30th – Easter Vigil Service (6pm)
March 31st – Easter Sunday (Sunrise Service at 7am, Easter Worship at 10am)

This Week at PVUMC 3/4/24

Church Council meeting went splendidly. The church is in such a healthy place spiritually and I’m so proud to serve here. What I’m excited to report is that the Church Council believes our priority mission is to serve the children of Cheatham County. As we dream big dreams for our little community, think of how you might be called to serve in this important mission of our church.

Read Pastor Steve’s Sermon
Yesterday I preached on removing the barriers that keep us from loving one another. Read it here.

Children’s Ministry Volunteers Needed!
At the request of our children’s ministry team, we have split the nursery time into 2 one-hour slots. Please consider signing up to serve! Click here to view our sign up form. Our vision is to provide as much welcome and hospitality as we can muster on Sunday mornings to our visitors, this is a wonderful way to serve visiting families looking for some sanctuary and rest on a Sunday morning.

Easter Egg Hunt
Our Easter Egg Hunt will be March 30th at 9am. Please consider donating candy. Bring unopened bags of Easter Candy to the narthex on Sunday morning during Lent, we will have a collection bin set up.

Fundraisers Are Coming
As you may or may not know, at our current giving levels we are currently running at a budget deficit and are projected to have a $20,000-$30,000 shortfall by the end of the year. With that said, it is time to start thinking about fundraising.

We have two planned for the Spring. On April 27th, we will be hosting a Church Yard Sale. Please see Dawn Brading for more information! On May 18th we will hold a Silent Auction in the Fellowship Hall. Please see Trina Chance for more information.

This Week
Today (1:30pm): Fuel Setup in the Fellowship Hall
Tuesday (9am-12pm): Prayer Shawls
Wednesday (5:30pm-7:30pm): Journey to Transformation Small Groups
Thursday (9:30am-11:00am): Lenten Bible Study with Pastor Steve

Save the Dates
March 14th – 55 & Alive and BUNCO
April 27th – Church Yard Sale
May 18th – PVUMC Silent Auction

Holy Week
March 24th – Palm Sunday (10am)
March 28th – Maundy Thursday Service (6pm)
March 29th – Good Friday Service (Noon) & Stations of the Cross with our Baptist neighbors (6pm)
March 30th – Easter Egg Hunt (9am)
March 30th – Easter Vigil Service (6pm)
March 31st – Easter Sunday (Sunrise Service at 7am, Easter Worship at 10am)

This Week at PVUMC 2/26/2024

Yesterday was a wonderful day here at PVUMC. Charlie McCoy and the Easley 3 led worship while Brenda was away on vacation. Also, Amanda and Beth led a wonderful Kid’s Club in the evening; special thanks to Maria for providing supper. Wonderful things are happening all around at our church right now and I’m so thankful for all the ways the community is finding meaningful ways to get involved and serve!

Children’s Ministry
We always could use a hand in our nursery and children’s ministry. Click here to view our sign up form. Our vision is to provide as much welcome and hospitality as we can muster on Sunday mornings to our visitors, this is a wonderful way to serve visiting families looking for some sanctuary and rest on a Sunday morning.

Also, our Easter Egg Hunt will be March 30th. Please consider donating candy. Bring unopened bags of Easter Candy to the narthex on Sunday morning during Lent, we will have a collection bin set up.

Read Pastor Steve’s Sermon
Yesterday I preached on the cross offering you a choice in our suffering. Read Pastor Steve’s Sermon here.

Wednesday: Journey to Freedom Continues (5:30 – 7:30pm)
There is still time to join the Journey! If you missed our first gathering last week, please let me know

Thursday: Bible Study with Pastor Steve (9:30 – 11:00am)
During Lent, Pastor Steve will be leading the Thursday morning bible study. All are welcome. The topic will be on Jesus’ last week. From the Triumphal Entry to the Cross to the Tomb. Come and see. Starts at 9:30am.

Save the Dates
February 21st – April 24th – Journey to Freedom Small Groups (5:30 – 7:30pm)
February 22nd – Lenten Bible Study with Pastor Steve (9:30 – 11:00am)
March 14th – 55 & Alive and BUNCO

Holy Week
March 24th – Palm Sunday (10am)
March 28th – Maundy Thursday Service (6pm)
March 29th – Good Friday Service (Noon) & Stations of the Cross with our Baptist neighbors (6pm)
March 30th – Easter Egg Hunt (time TBA)
March 30th – Easter Vigil Service (6pm)
March 31st – Easter Sunday (Sunrise Service at 7am, Easter Worship at 10am)