“Christians responding to the needs of our community and to each other in the name of Jesus Christ through grace.”
As a community church, the mission of Pleasant View United Methodist Church is:
- To proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, welcoming people into the body of Christ (OUR PURPOSE)
- Ministering to those in our community
- Providing a level of acceptance of all people within the body of Christ
- Inviting them into our facilities
- To lead people into a commitment to God through Jesus Christ (OUR MEASURE OF SUCCESS)
- Providing opportunities for sincere worship
- Providing weekly Bible studies and fellowship opportunities
- To nurture them in Christian living by various means of grace (OUR DIRECTION)
- Through fellowship with one another and the community of Pleasant View.
- Through outreach and sponsorship of community-based activities and programs
- By building relationships with the church community and other organizations.
- To send them into the world as agents of Jesus Christ (OUR ROLE IN GOD’S COMMUNITY)
- Working for justice
- Preparing to share God’s grace to a world in need
As our community’s church, the mission of Pleasant View United Methodist is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, welcoming people into the body of Christ, to lead people into a commitment to God through Jesus Christ, to nurture them in Christian living by various means of grace, and to send them into the world as agents of Jesus Christ.

Our Mission in Action:
FUEL: Each week we pack and deliver weekend meal bags for food insecure Cheatham County children.
Food Pantry: Are you in need of a box of non perishable food? Call the church office.
Thanksgiving/Christmas Boxes: Every year we pack Thanksgiving and Christmas food boxes for families in Cheatham County.
Backpacks: Every year in August we supply extra backpacks for Pleasant View and East Cheatham Elementary School.
Mission of Hope: We support financially the local food pantry, Mission of Hope.
Benevolence Fund: We offer small contributions to people in need through our Benevolence Fund. Contact the church office for more information.
If you are interested in financially supporting our mission projects, click here and denote “Missions” in the memo line.